Monday, August 1, 2011

Guilty Pleasures

Get your mind out of the gutter. Instead of a this weekend in collage, because all that would be included is a picture of a couch, I decided to let you have a peek into the madness that is me.  My top 10 guilty pleasures. Some of them you may already know about, and some not. The ones that not very many know about, I am literally opening myself up to ridicule. So don't judge, you know you have yours too.

And now I present, my top 10 guilty pleasures, in no particular order.

10. One Tree Hill
When I was in high school, it was okay to admit and freely discuss the ongoing drama between Dawson/Joey/Pacey. Now, at 30 years old, the same old love triangle, leading ridiculously-impossibly-easy lives formula still manages to suck me in.

9. Cheese
I adore cheese. I base all my meal choices on the amount of cheese that covers accompanies the dish. At one point, there was no such thing as too much cheese to me, and technically, there still isn't. However, my body has provided limitations that I must begrudgingly accept. But I will say that I have met my match only once in the form of Papa John's 1lb of cheese pizza.

8. The Prince & Me
What, you've never heard of that movie? That's okay, I'm pretty sure hubs wishes he'd never heard of this movie either. How could anyone not like it? It's like Kate's and Wills's  own story come to life...before it happened. Only he wasn't a playboy prince coming to the U.S. in hopes of living out his own live version of Girls Gone Wild, and she didn't have dreams of joining Doctors Without Borders. Okay, maybe not so much, but really, what girl doesn't have dreams of giving up her life's ambitions to become a princess?

7. Bridezillas
Stressed out brides treating their loved ones like crap and in general behaving badly for the world to witness. What isn't there to love about this show? It's like rubber-necking at a car wreck. It may be bad form, but you just can't help yourself.

6. Pasta
If I could exist on pasta and cheese, I so totally would. I'm pretty sure I was Italian in a previous life. I haven't met a pasta that I didn't like. I had one request when the hubs came back from Italy. Fresh pasta. And it was guuuuud.

5. Watching movies on tv when I already own it.
Now, this one drives the hubs absolutely bat-sh*t crazy. Why on earth would I want to watch the tv edited version filled with commercials when I own it? Simple, less effort to watch on tv and deal with curses voiced over and commercial than to trudge upstairs, locate said dvd, and play it. Also, to indulge my ADD tendencies, watching on tv allows me to also switch between several other channels.

4. Jersey Sheets
Just because I don't live in a dorm anymore doesn't mean I can't love them still. Screw the 1200 count Egyptian whatever and satin silk blend that would make anyone go slip sliding right over the edge of the bed. I'll stick with the sheets that feels like that old worn t-shirt with holes everywhere and that you would live in 24/7, and probably have at some point in your life.


3. Celebrity gossip
Give me the dirt. I do feel a little twinge when I think of the quote, "Great minds discuss ideas, average minds discuss events, and small minds discuss people." And I also sometimes feel bad about supporting rags that promote the rabid paparazzi. But then, I see that Ryan Reynolds, via the somewhat reputable celeb gossip news site on People, is totally available, and I feel much better about myself cause I now know that I truly have a shot with my top 5 #1 place holder.

2. Tweet-stalking
I totally joined twitter only to beg get celebrities to talk to me.

1. Laziness
I have no problem letting an entire weekend go by on the couch, only getting up to use the facilities and to go back to bed. I also have no problem sitting on the couch after work forgoing all household chores and any planned physical activity.

Honorable mention: Mayonnaise, specifically Chic-fil-A Mayo.
Creamy, yummy goodness.  I will put this on anything and everything. I dare not put a pic of my stockpile on here.

So there you have it. Are you thoroughly afraid of me, now? I know I am.

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