Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Just Not Feelin' It

A few months ago, hubs got me started on a weight lifting regimen that totally kicks my butt. Throw in a bi-weekly dance class, and I am starting to see some results.

I have to do this because I was not blessed with a magic metabolism that allows me to eat anything I want and not see any of the effects.  I also realize that my love for these foods will probably never allow me to ever be high school skinny again, and I am okay with that. I do, however, have to make sure that I am active enough to counterbalance that love. So every Tuesday and Saturday, I faithfully work my way through squats, bench presses, overhead presses, dead lifts, and rows. Increasing the weight each session to get the maximum benefit possible. Sundays and Wednesdays are dedicated to satisfying my inner ballerina and stretching out the effects from Saturday and Tuesday.

But there are days where I just seem to hit a wall and really struggle to get through the routine or down to class. Those days, I am just not feelin' it.  Where the thought of being out in the 90+ degree garage, racking and unracking weights, and punishing my body or getting dressed and driving 20 minutes to the studio cannot compete with the call of the couch and my U-verse remote. But the guilt sets in, and I pull my tush off the couch,  only to have a terrible session or class. I can't complete sets, increasing the weight by even 5 lbs feels like adding 50, and hell, even the ipod is giving me trouble with its "random" song selection or I can't bend as far as I did the previous class or that whole balance thing is just off.

The part that really bites though is that every time this happens, I know it's all mental. Obviously, my body can handle it, but my head just won't cooperate. C'mon head! Don't you know that nothing comes between me and pasta and cheese?!

Usually, hubs is there to suffer with encourage me as we take turns when it's a lifting day, but our schedules as of late have not allowed for it, which I suspect is a major contributing factor. No accountability= high temptation to be lazy. There's no motivation like your incredibly in shape spouse asking if you're sure that you want to skip.

I'd like to think that these days are just my subconscious's way of telling me to take a day off, but lately it seems more like the devil on my shoulder telling me to skip.  Either way it would be really nice to just be able to tell it to please be quiet so that I can get through my workout/class well so that I can enjoy my carbs and fat.

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