Saturday, July 30, 2011

Obsessive Much?

A funny thing happened at work on Friday. A call came through from an applicant wanting to check on some documents that had been faxed. Noticing his full name had come up on the caller id screen, I went ahead and looked up the application and proceeded to provide an update of what had been received.

"Wait, how did you know who I was, I haven't given you my name.."

After convincing him that we were not, in fact, practiced in the voo doo arts, I told him what he needed to know and sent him on his merry way. And it got me thinking about how technologically we are all connected today and how we all seem to have the need to be connected by technology.

And then I saw this article.

And I cringed, because I am, too, guilty of obsessively checking my smartphone/iPad during lulls in activity. Waiting for dance class to start, waiting for hubs to come back from the bathroom while out to dinner, waiting for friends to show up, and shh, while sitting in traffic or at a red light.  Like the article states, I too, like seeing personal emails from friends that have taken time out of their own busy schedules to say hey or getting a notification from facebook that someone has commented or liked my status. It's the new endorphin.

Then I got to thinking about how I see this everywhere.  I am, by nature, an observant, er nosy person. I am always people watching and seeing what's going on around me. When out to dinner, I will always comment to hubs about the couples that just sit there, not talking, not engaged. Literally, 30 minutes could go by and the couples that I have honed in on will not have said a word to each other. It seems now that not only are people not talking to each other, they're not talking to each other because they have their faces buried in their phones.
I, personally, just don't understand, why anyone would prefer the company of their phone over their date, friend, companion, etc.  Why go out at all? But enough of my soapbox ramblings. 

So, my internetlings, be honest. How many of you are also guilty of this new obsession?

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