Monday, March 11, 2013

Monday Mania: Tough Question

I have been getting this question a lot since we've moved out to Arizona: what has been the toughest adjustment?

It's been mainly two things for me.

First and foremost, is having to establish a new group of friends. The first time Ryan went out of town on business, I remember texting my friend in Atlanta, "Okay, NOW I am lonely" because I didn't have anyone to hang out with while he was gone. And since I'm not working full-time, I don't have an automatic potential friend-pool through a job. I have really had to step out of my comfort zone and seek out local women's groups to get out of the house on my own and around some estrogen. It's totally like being the new kid in school half way through the year.

The second is that I just don't know my way around this town like I did Atlanta.  Traffic in Atlanta is the pits, and I could always whip up a backup route or shortcut in the blink of an eye. Here, not so much. I just can't see the layout in my head for a quick alternate way to anywhere if I need to yet. Thankfully, this town is set up on a grid system, so that I can play chance and eventually hit a street that is recognizable to me that will get me to where I need. Which leads me to being very dependent on Google Maps and GPS. Very rare was it that I had to consult Google Maps for directions, but now, I literally have to check before I leave the house and then make sure that I have my GPS with me.

If you've ever had to move to a completely new city after living in one place for quite awhile, what was your toughest adjustment?

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