Friday, March 22, 2013

Feel Good Friday: Blessed

There is always some magazine article telling women and men what they are doing wrong in their marriages or relationships and how they should fix it. Basically, a battle of the sexes diatribe.  Ryan and I do read these articles with a huge handful of salt, have a good laughing battle of wills ourselves, and then just chalk it up to nonsense.

In these articles, I see a recurring theme of how women "resent" their man because they can't seem to get him to do any sort of housework without nagging, and it makes me appreciate that I have a man who is not like any husband that these articles are referring to.

So, I wanted to end the week on an upbeat note and focus on the positive instead of the negative. 

I am blessed to have a husband, who:
  • not only knows how to do a load of laundry, but will actually do it just because some of his clothes are high maintenance and I shouldn't be responsible for that;
  • will willingly load/unload the dishwasher without being asked;
  • who knows how to cook and wants to cook to give me a break sometimes;
  • in spite of having our own spending money, still wants to spoil me;
  • doesn't expect me to do all the housework just because we are now in more traditional marriage roles than we were previously;
  • who knows how to say thank you, and does so, often.
What are you blessed to have in your partner?

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