Saturday, October 13, 2012

A Year of Five

This year has been a year of fives. Hubs completed his PhD after five long years of blood, sweat, and tears; and a bit of hard work and determination on his part. This month has marked the fifth month that we have had to live apart because of his new job and the hassles of selling a house in this horrendous market and waiting for benefits to become available after a 90 day waiting period. It took us 5 months to sell our house. But, most importantly, today marks our 5th wedding anniversary. It is so hard to believe that 5 years has gone by since our wedding and 12 years since our first date. When I look back on our day, it’s almost sort of a blur because it went by so fast, but there are moments that will stay with me forever. So, in honor of our year of five, I give to hubs, my 5 best memories of our wedding. 

I remember just feeling so excited to finally be getting married and taking that next step. Even after being together for so long before getting married, it was still exciting to know that we were finally getting our forever. 

There hasn’t really been another time that I have been so emotional that I would risk crying in public. I remember that when my dad was walking me down the aisle, and I was looking at hubs smiling at me, that I was just so overcome with happiness that I had to take a few deep breaths so that my professionally applied makeup would not be ruined. 

I remember being nervous. Not nervous, as in cold feet nervous, just nervous in being in front of everyone and the fear of tripping or messing up my vows. As soon as I got to hubs and took his hand, all the nervousness melted away. We were in this together.

I remember many of our guests telling me how big hubs’s smile was when the doors first opened, and I started my processional. I remember our first dance and how hubs sacrificed his sense of self-preservation to endure a 4 minute song because I loved it and wanted it to be our song. 

Finally, I remember just looking at him and thinking how lucky am I that this man is mine? A man, who was smart enough, to not only earn a PhD in Finance, but to know to acknowledge my birthday (Feb 13) and Valentine’s Day as two separate occasions, even though he didn’t have to. This man who takes care of me, indulges my outrageous hypotheticals, makes me laugh whether I want to or not, and just plain loves me. 

Happy Anniversary to my hubs. 5 years married, 12 years together. I love you, and look forward to the rest of our forever. 

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